Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Ministry Day 3.6.2013, Servant Partners, Disabled Kids, and Candid Friends.

What a good day. I had so much fun serving. I was given a message from an events coordinator that I would lead a team with a local ministry, "Servant Partners". It sounded great being with a group of guys that I could get to know better. Just before the day of ministry I was told we will also be doing a program onboard for disabled kids. I had to reschedule a few things from my morning to make plans for the priority, MISSIONS. I’ve done days like this before and love them. The programs we do onboard are always exciting and a great way to show off how proud we are of our home, Logos Hope. We started the morning as usual with devotion and breakfast a cup of coffee, workout, personal devotions same ole’ stuff. But this day was superb! Let me tell you why… The event was great for so many reasons. I love kids and seeing their excitement for the program,“Children of the King”. I did my best face painting ever and dressed in the outfit we have for our captain. [It’s a large costume like the ones you would see at an amusement park or somewhere like that.] This was my 1st time in the suit after dressing many others in the same costume; I was thrilled I could wear EL Capitano. The kids loved the captain, I danced around having a good time with everyone. They had a photo booth set up for people to dress in the other costumes we had available and then we would pose together for a quick photo shoot. This was a great time to bless the special education kids with the love of Christ. The early afternoon comes… I was blessed with a brief break in the action. In this time I read so many good scriptures and was encouraged by God through His word and prayer time. Alright! We head now towards the next location with "Servant Partners" and more children. There we found an amazing American woman who spoke great Thai. Kerstin had only been there for a total of 6 months but knew the people and the language in a way that was unbelievable. We were originally supposed to go and play soccer with the older kids but we arrived late due to traffic. So, we got to hang out with the youngings which turned out pretty good. We planted a few Sunflowers and Wild-Flowers and sang some good worship songs. The kids and I enjoyed running around in the yard with other as I tossed them around on my shoulders and swing them around in circles. These kids were such a delight as they didn't want to leave us; they walk with us all the way out to the point they could not go any further. Then more traffic on the way home. Over 3 hours spent in taxis today was surprisingly exciting. The 3 others and I had a lot of fun getting to know each other and then sharing about each others’ language; language is a great way to connect with another. We had 1 person from every major continent in the car. I’m attempting to learn many different languages to make an attempt to better get to know the peoples of the world. Plus there’s many other cultural things you can use to build a conversation, but language is so easy. Overall what a great day I couldn't resist sitting down and writing a short story of how God has blessed me in this day. Prayer to God, "I’m Rejoicing Father in your blessing and how you put these three great guys into my life for a good time of ministry!" =) Thank you Ju-Hun (S. Korea) for his ability to connect with the kids, Matthew (Ireland) for his uncanny ability to negotiate with the taxi-driver and talk to the people, Patrick (S. Africa) for his brilliant flavor of love and energy he brought, “for the “Angles Anint’ achachttt”” (blessing from angels in Africans).

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Basketball Ministry in Hong Kong Logos Hope put together a team of basketball players to challenge a local group of youth in a friendly game of basketball. This would prove to be a great open door for ministry. The teenage boys with their coach, Lim were all fired up to play with the team from Logos Hope.
Lim is an American missionary doing sports ministry in Hong Kong for almost a year now. He recently gathered a number of these boys off the streets and gangs. The boys are coming from a criminal lifestyle where they just know everyone as a villain until they met Lim who has given each of them a strong quality friendship and godly fellowship through the game of basketball plus mentoring them through the hope found in Jesus Christ. It was shocking to hear the news of the boys coming from such a harsh background; they all appeared to be coming from some well to do families. Other than smoking a cigarette you would have never known the boys would have come from such a hostile environment. Lim has been coaching them now for over 6 months and telling them how the team from Logos Hope was coming to play with them. (This really motivated them.) I thank God for opportunities like this. Our team who had never played together was out matched by the younger more suited ball players. Sad to say but we lost the game but won in other ways off the court.
Before the basketball game the team from Logos Hope broke into small groups with the young boys to share testimonies of how God has been working in our own lives. This scene set the tone for the night; the boys were moved by our words and excited to pray with us. Then, they ran us up and down the court, haha, it was their 3 revolving teams of 5, 15 total, against our 5 non-stop. After the game we had another quite time where we could fellowship together in a time of prayer.
Afterwards Lim took us out with his family for local Chinese food. This was such a treat to try all the different Chinese foods; there were so many unfamiliar smells and tastes. I loved this unique setting of the Chinese restaurant and the very very strange things hanging in the store-front, (many different unmentionable animal parts). This was only possible through a life glorifying to God. PTL! =) The next game was a lot different as I was only able to find 1 other from the ship who wanted to play. (Basketball is not very popular outside the US; surprisingly I’ve made a good friend from Thailand who likes UNC Tarheels, too! That is really far-fetched but God has put us together.) We also found a local volunteer and as we were walking out the door we found another local guy too who also wanted to play. The four of us plus Lim played against the young boys. During our second meeting there was a different outcome; we gave them a good beating, pay-back!, ha. Lim had to leave early and we played much longer with the young boys. We missed the good food but had fun teaching the boys many different techniques and ball movements to work together as a team. This was a great time of teaching as well as learning for them and myself on how to teach. I grew up playing all kinds of sports and enjoy teaching and doing it as a ministry.
On another note,
I played in Subic Bay several times with a group of guys we met in the community. Through the game of basketball I was able to get the guy’s blood pumping and feel comfortable enough to open up. During our intermission (between games) of about 20 games, we sat and I shared a little bit about the gospel and I gave my testimony and 2 of the guys came to know the Lord. A-MEN! God has done so many miracles through my ministry onboard Logos Hope and teaching more about faith and how God can use me.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

The past few weeks I have volunteraly been working on my off time to do childrens ministry in Tipo. My teams and I have loved the kids and shared stories, playing songs, and much more. I thank God for times like this.
A local Filipino pastor at Subic Gateway House of Prayer and I have developed a tight bond. As I was sharing with him my passion for missions he gave me this opportunity to go and share with a partnering ministry, Seek God Ministries, The community there is made up of several volunteers who teach, feed, and do all kinds of other things to help the 100’s of kids that are in need of a home and much more. The ministry at Tipo was a great opportunity to develop and practice the skills I’ve been learning with Logos Hope. I put together several great programs that the kids, adults, and teams themselves enjoyed giving. This was a great honor and responsibility; I actually found putting the program together fun and exciting organizing the event. My teams were great! The passion and desire of the new group of crew that have joined just a month ago now has been full of enthusiasm, all I have to do is say is go and they go and do it. They each contributed significantly to the program leaving no one without leaving with a feeling of despair, but rather a feeling of wanting more.
We had a lot of good times. Every time I turned around the kids would be all over us. The girls and boys there opened up to us almost instantly. After the program we would take a lot of time with the kids outside just playing and hanging out with them. This part of our time was a great joy as we got to get to know them more at this time.
I have given gifts from the ship’s Help Ministry Department onboard. This will give them better clothes, hygiene supplies, clean water and more. We’ve also been able to bless them with other gifts in our past from the ship along with our presence. The Filipino people love foreigners especially white people.
Overall I wish I could back up and start all over again. I would begin by doing the ministry with Seek God from the first week we were in Subic Bay. I’m going to miss these kids and their innocent hearts lighting up with joy at the sight of the teams from Logos showing up at their small community. The Lord is faithful and true and He will hold these kids in His arms as they grow up to become strong Christian men and women.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Supernatural acts of Go are taking place every day in my life and possibly yours’ too if you open your eyes and start tuning your soul towards God.
I so often look at God’s people with hate, bitterness, and disgust, unless they meet my social, economic, and/or image (way they look) standard. I think this goes back to our upbringing; the way our parents raised us or what our childhood heroes taught us, the way we were picked on or teased by others in school, whatever the cards of life have dealt us, is generally what we will playback in our adulthood (Example, if a child is abused and hated as a child it will be difficult for that person to grow up and not also become an abuser simply because that is what they perceive is normal). My missions experience over the past few years has allowed me to play the cards of love and blessing on God’s people. I have been going to orphanages, church events, schools, and other programs, helping the needy through feedings, providing medical aid (eye examination), teaching Bible study/lesson, and much more. Through this process I’ve been blessed so many more times by the same people I went to bless. At first I was confused and didn’t want to accept but then realized I should not reject their blessing but thank God for it (and them). I’ve been dealt the playing cards of blessing and love; I’m now playing these cards out getting many more reward cards back. Ya know? more blessing and love cards but also challenging and difficulty cards too.
These blessings are God’s hands at work! This shows you the reader how God works through circumstance and people. [If you would like to know more please comment below, I try to keep it brief to keep the reader interested, “short and sweet”.] I’ve been doing a lot of reading these past few months as we have a great library full of novels, spiritual books, and more, (we’re the world’s largest floating bookfair =)) I’ve actually gotten away from the scriptures and investing the majority of my quite time to devotionals (recommended to me by godly leaders), novels, and other spiritual books. I’ve found so much teaching and learning in these books, nothing against these books but nothing compares to the miracles, stories, songs and teachings in God’s written word. The book of Pslam is a strong inspiring book full of God’s greatness. I wanna dance and clap and sing and praise God like King David did. He was truly a man after God’s own heart. I want my heart to open to God and His glory. We can do this reading the living word of God and trusting in these Biblical truths. These truths show us the past miracles of what God has done, teachings than can and will be related to our present circumstance, and future (second coming and more). The Word of God inspires me read the Pslam below… Psalm 139 For the director of music. Of David. A psalm. 1 You have searched me, LORD, and you know me. 2 You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. 3 You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. 4 Before a word is on my tongue you, LORD, know it completely. 5 You hem me in behind and before, and you lay your hand upon me. 6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain. 7 Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? 8 If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. 9 If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, 10 even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast. 11 If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me,” 12 even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you. 13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. 14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. 15 My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. 16 Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. 17 How precious to me are your thoughts, How vast is the sum of them! 18 Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand— when I awake, I am still with you. 19 If only you, God, would slay the wicked! Away from me, you who are bloodthirsty! 20 They speak of you with evil intent; your adversaries misuse your name. 21 Do I not hate those who hate you, LORD, and abhor those who are in rebellion against you? 22 I have nothing but hatred for them; I count them my enemies. 23 Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. 24 See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

WILLINGNESS TO SERVE The Eye Glass Challenge Team in Cavite, Philippines was nothing short of great. This team had loads of fun with the many opportunities to share the love of Christ with the local Filipinos and churches, schools, and more. I thank Jesus Christ for these many opportunities to share the message of Jesus Christ.
I knew the Holy Spirit was in this place (Naic Worship Center) when we arrived on the first day. Basically I just knew this church was centered on God and He was doing great things within this church. My first day at the church happened to fall on a Sunday. I was told I would be leading the service that Sunday morning. I thought, “Okay, no problem, I’ve done this before kind-of, not really though”, but “I was willing”. I gave my best and the Spirit was with us. [One thing I should mention is that there is 7 total churches (1 mother church and 6 daughter churches)] After a time of prayer and thinking what I could talk about I delivered a message from the Holy Spirit. Looking back on it now I’m like oh man I can’t believe I just spoke like that. When said, “I delivered” before I really did, it was a great message. This pattern would continue as we would be asked to speak at all the churches before leaving the church.
After spending some time with the members and the church leaders we went out for a bite to eat. Then the two (Manaen, pictured above) of us were dropped off back at the mother church. Upon walking in the church I was asked if I would like to go to another church for an afternoon service. I said, “Sure”. On our way there we were told again we would share the message. With a different person from my team (we would go out to the different churches in groups of two) this time we visited and were told to bring a “Charge” something encouraging to the local church. We shared what the Spirit had given to us share, Ya Know? Spirit led. I spoke for awhile on “Passion” and my teammate on “Blessings”. We were given great words of motivation to the church; it wasn’t us speaking it was the Holy Spirit who spoke we just had a willingness to serve. Our heart’s desire was to serve Jesus Christ with all our hearts’.
Making our way back to the mother church we were exhausted after talking all day and visiting with the different churches. However, on our way home… we were told we would be giving the message for the Sunday evening service as well. Tired and not know what I would speak on I said, “Yes, I will speak”; I believed the Spirit was over me, our team, and the church, the Spirit of God was flowing in this land.
God rained down the Holy Spirit over this night as I was anointed to speak the gospel of Christ to the young thirsty people of the church about, “Victory in Christ”. What an unbelievable experience, I went from speaking very seldom in-front of a large audience to being bold and confident in the way I delivered the message. All those things a confident speaker will do when giving a message, I did it, Wow! So surprising!
This happened again and again throughout my time with this challenge team. I’m have not felt so alive in Christ since I was a new believer. This feeling of awakening and be on fire for God can be contributed to the people of Cavite, they were the most passionate people I’ve encountered. The Filipino people are extremely hungry for the truth. During this time I saw many people come to Christ, the people just wailing for Jesus, and just wanting more Jesus all the time. Every time we did an alter call, everyone in the whole church would come to the front for prayer; (except a time we were at a public university but still a large group came forward). There were so many, countless experiences; I praise God for this opportunity and for Him blessing me to have a willingness to shine for Him.
My feeling was right on the Spirit of God was reigning over this church with no doubt. I encourage my readers to be Willing to shine for Jesus Christ!

Friday, May 11, 2012

I’m doing great and have settled into my ministry with Logos Hope. Logos Hope is currently out of the water and closed to the public in Subic Bay, Philippines. God’s Battleship is undergoing some much needed maintenance in dry dock. 

I am currently taking a course called Logos Intensive Training or LIT for short.  It is designed to build up the participants mentally, physically, and most of all spiritually. 
Back Row: Pastor’s Wife, (Filipino), Kayla (USA), Susan (Trinadad and Tabago), Emma (UAE), Taressa (Germany), Danielle (Australia), Aya (Japan)
Front Rom: Diego (Columbia), Enoch (Chinesse), Jimmy (Thialand), Vasu (USA), Pastor (Filipino), Victor (Hungarian), David (USA)

This is a great course that teaches each individual something different about themselves. The Spirit of God moves in different ways of discernment.  As we are all in different parts of our spiritual walks with God.  We are all born with natural talents/gifts, it is the Spirit of God that allows the lazy to be energetic or the undisciplined to grow to be steadfast in his work.  It is up to us to find out what are natural strengths and weaknesses are and embrace them. 
We have also been doing a number of research projects.  It’s been amazing to see God at work.  It seems everything we research as a group or by myself, God brings the back up again in a round-about way through another completely separate means.  For example, I research John the Baptist and my Dad recently emailed me a few questions concerning John.  I was able to give a quick response and answer any questions he had.  It goes to show how God desires to communicate with us if we are just willing to tune in to His voice. 

We have been working in every department during dry dock. Let me tell ya, The Philippines is hot, you sweat whether you’re sleeping or just sitting.  Not to mention we’re working on a steel ship, the Logos Hope basically turns into a huge incubator, reaching temperatures in the high 30’s (Celsius) plus humidity.  Working in the engine was my highlight; I was able to assist in taking out a couple of water pumps and motors in the engine room. We also do morning exercise to strengthen our bodies, this includes workouts like push-ups, squats, and jogging.  Also we just got back from a week of “Challenge Team” were we constructed a local church and performed a VBS. 

This Challenge Team was a great way for me to get to know the culture.  I learned so much more about the people than all the previous months in the Philippines.  It was a great blessing to go serve this church.  It’s funny how the Lord works.  Every time I try to bless someone or a group of people they always bless me.  The people there were such strong servants.  They waited on us hand and foot, serving us meals and providing anything we might need. 

LIT has opened my eyes and shown me how I need to improve many different areas of my life. It’s a long marathon race (life), right?  So, maybe I have time to put to practice all the different areas I want to strengthen in my life, there’s a lot of work to be done, haha.

We still have over a month remaining in LIT.  I pray I can continue to learn and grow to have a stronger faith.
I want to challenge everyone to pick a topic, and do your own research project, write a short paper and give it to someone, spouse whomever, doesn’t matter.  Keep striving to learn more!

Prayer Request:
·         Logos Hope is in need of a Chief and other qualified engineers to sail and do ongoing maintenance.
·         My future
·         Enjoying my time with Logos Hope and LIT
·         Growing and learning more every day about Jesus Christ

Stay up to date with Logos Hope at and by checking the webcams and other media.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Subic Bay was full of excitement and ministry.  I was able to build several strong relationships and become more familiar with my work. The ministry is doing great things for the kingdom.

This was the last port before the ship moved into dry dock.  Again the Filipino people are so friendly.  I was able to welcome thousands of the people on-board to Logos Hope’s Book Fair. Also Subic Bay has been very Americanized so there were several American Navy personnel and families in the area.  We also have many Port Volunteers that come from the local area to volunteer on-board.  It’s great to get to know them and hear how God is working in their lives. I primarly was focusing the majority of my time with my own co-workers; these are the people I’m with all the time and able to feel like I have an influence on.  We enjoy telling each other our stories of how God has grown us and made us who we are, but also to inspire and encourage each other that God has done and will continue to do great things in our lives.  We spent several occasions going out in the local community to share some time together away from work, but we also of course work all the time.  So, I appreciate my team and how diverse it is.  We have lots of fun and excitement on-board.  Whether dancing in the cash line, telling jokes in the life boat (entrance), or just helping each other with a problem.  My new team and position has allowed me to appreciate my time on-board more. 

My role in the World’s Largest Book Fair has been a great big blessing from above.  I think God for His gifts.  Since making a change to the book fair I’ve worked now in Subic Bay and Manila.  I have been able to get used to all the machinery and tools necessary for this position.  Below you can see me making preparation for the dry dock, we had to move several books out of the hold to make room for the technicians to take off the wall panels.


Dry Dock is a 9 week period when the ship will be closed to the public and the crew will either make repairs to the ship or go out on Challenge teams.  The Ship’s Community is split between those who go on challenge teams and those who stay for dry dock.  Challenge teams are groups of people who go out to the local community for the length of dry dock to do ministry.  The rest will stay behind to maintain the ship. 

Before dry dock I was able to do a bit a preliminary work for my time during dry dock, LIT, (Logos Intensive Training).  I connected with a local church in Malacabat that my sending church has partnered with.  Through the churches I was able to develop a relationship with the local pastor who is a brother-n-law to one of the serving pastors at the sending church.  After making several correspondences I was able to make a trip to the church about 1 hours drive by public transit to the church.  There we we’re able to attend the weekly prayer meeting and visit with church community.  This was a great time as I was able to pray with the church.  The following day we also attended a Bible study and meet some more of the local people I will be able to minister with during my challenge team this upcoming season with LIT.